Sunday, August 31, 2008

Odds and Ends

Kinsley had a tumble at the park. Judging by all the drama that followed, I wondered if she would ever walk again. She continues to walk with a limp and constantly reminds us of her ailing knee. Help me.

The best medicine for the injury has been coloring. The girl can color. She will put on her serious face and let the creative juices flow far longer than the average 2 year old.

Hallie's biggest accomplishment has been her sheer strength. She is rolling, sitting up with crazy ab muscles and lifting herself with her biceps. Based on Kinsley's princess-like response to her wound, we are expecting Hallie to be the athlete.

Hallie also continues to fall asleep in the most precious way. Not a nap goes by without her covering her little eyes. i love it.


Jessica said...

I think you should dub Hallie's look, the "can i get some peace and quiet around here?" look. Has mason sent kinsley flowers yet? this would be a good would really encourage her princess attitude!