Monday, March 29, 2010

5 Posts Rolled Into One

I will be playing some catch up today. This is mostly a picture journey of our last couple weeks.

We had lots of cold days which meant lots of cabin fever. And lots of crafts.

Kinsley turned this house into a pavilion with all the butterflies she created.
Step One: color the coffee filter. very seriously.

Step Two: paint it with water.

Step Three: hang and enjoy.

Sledding in Frisco:

Zoo with friends:

Yes, Kari was herding all 4 of these kiddos while I only had to tend to Hallie.

Easter Eggs: If you have not already noticed, please take note of Hallie's "big" smile. She loves to whip it out in nearly every picture. She can't help herself.


annie said...

ahhhh - finally. i've been waaaaiiittting for some new pics. they are sooo adorable and i CAN'T WAIT to see them (and you & b) this weekend!