Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin/Picture Pickin'

as i was perusing through the dozens of pictures i took at the pumpkin patch, i decided that picking a pumpkin and picking my favorite pictures are very similar experiences. very few are flawless. only several are worthy of displaying. most have imperfections...but it is those imperfections that give character that causes you to treasure them the most.

here are the picture picks from the patch:

this is ben's first picture with his 3 girls. love it!

after i took this pic, i noticed the missing sock. that kicked off ben's quest to retrace his steps through the field for the next 10 minutes. mission accomplished and the sock was found.

and these just make me smile. the potato head pumpkin was so fun to do and the girls are constantly switching around the body parts. true to form, kinsley picked out the princess set while hallie insisted on the monster.

and now for the littlest pumpkin of all. can't imagine life without her.

never want to forget these tiny fingers.


Ashley said...

my fave pic is hallie with her monster pumpkin and crooked smile

Dana said...

So impressed that you took 3 kids to pumpkin patch. Mine are older and I didn't dare, I let the schools take care of that. Good to see you are all doing well. Congrats on the wonderful addition.