Friday, June 8, 2012

a beautiful goodbye

this converstion happened on february 23rd.  it was the week caroline was going through MRI's and testing.  it was a heavy week for kinsley for another reason too.

after she got off the bus we sat on our porch.  she sat on a chair and i knelt in front of her holding her hands.  it will always be etched on my heart.

me:  "sweetie, i have some really sad news to tell you."

kinsley: (in a paniked shaky voice) "is caroline okay, mommy?"

me:  (deep breath while realizing kinsley felt the weight of caroline's health)  "no, kins.  caroline is fine.  it's joey.  he died today, sweetie."

kinsley:  (a physical jolt.  eyes welled up immediately)  "is it because we didn't pray enough?"

me:  "oh, no honey.  god heard our prayers.  he loves joey and had a different plan for him than we prayed for."

kinsley:  "is he better now?"

me:  "he has a new body.  he has perfect joy."  the conversation continued that day and continues on.

i am in kinsley's class enough to hear his name woven into countless conversations.  he impacted his friends in a mighty way and i am completely honored to have known him.

today was the last day of kindergarten.  joey's classmates each wrote him a note and drew him a picture which they attached to balloons.  it was a beautiful tribute.