Friday, February 8, 2008

Progressing Appropriately in Fine Motor Skills

We have enrolled Kinsley in an art class where she will be creating a masterpiece each week. This was from her first class on Monday...the theme was Chinese New Year and, as you can plainly see, this is a cherry blossom tree she made by blowing in a straw and using cotton balls.

As I was packing up some things as we were heading out of the house, Kinsley noticed a capri sun in the fridge that was leftover from a visit with her cousins. I didn't mind her grabbing it, thinking she can mess with it while I finished up. About a minute later, I hear "Ummmmm, juice mommy". Not only did she figure out the plastic covering on the straw but had perfectly placed it in the foil circle. She is a lover of juice, but usually watered down in a sippy cup---where she learned to place the straw is beyond me.

I had my own triumph with art this week after completing my first sewing project. Please do not click on the pic to blow it up, as you will likely see loose threads and angled lines.


Anonymous said...

So fun to see you both the other day! I think Kinsley was well on her way to another successful straw insertion, before I did it for her! I should've just minded my own business and witnessed Kinsley's incredible fine motor in action.


Nicole said...

her motor skills are better than my 5 year olds.


Tricia said...

What a darling girl you have! Love dropping in to see your growing family...

Kinsley is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e. I could eat her. Dip her in chocolate, and I could eat her up.

I miss you. So thankful for this nifty invention so I can stay in touch with the happenings in your life!

Anonymous said...

OMG - the bag is so super cute! and yes i'm also impressed by kinsley's amazing skills, but how you and i came from the same gene pool i'll never know. it's obvious you got the cute and crafty genes (before you argue, just wait until you see the valentine's card coming in the mail!)

Mandie said...

WOW! Kinsley has better motor skills than I! A straw in a Capri Sun and a Cherry Blossom Tree!!

LOVE the bag...Can't wait to see it in person!