Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

In Kinsley's four years, other than minor colds, she has never been sick. Not a fever or even throwing up. We felt like rookie parents when, out of the blue, she spiked a 102.5 degree temperature. Ben insisted on sleeping on her floor to check on her throughout the night.

Thankfully, by morning she was better and our Memorial Day plans carried on. We were greeted at the park by family and two tables of food.

The Hughes Family Plus Eight:
Hallie and Ford are now playing and leading one another around. Trouble.

Kinsley had a great day running with Makena, pretend playing with Makena and fighting with Makena. They are like sisters. My little blondie.

There are no words to adequately express how thrilled Ben was when he watched Hallie play t-ball. She is seemingly a natural. Hello little curls.

I also think Baby Number Three has a name. It is pretty stinkin sweet!


Ashley said...

nice skirt.